if i were katherine mansfield


a lucky ducky

深信幸運是在我手裡 今天我能高飛 只想你也替我開心 感覺樣樣都得意
一樣是舊日的我 今天笑意甜絲絲 聲音裡也帶一點光彩 感覺是特別的美...

It was a rainy Christmas but now we have a white New Year's Eve. I slept at 3am this morning and I thought I was very tired but my mind started talking to me so I had to talk to him. He told me what a productive week I've had. He tried to highlight to me all the things I've done on each day of the past week but he wasn't very good at telling me what I did exactly but the conclusion we drew was I had a productive week.

So last night was spent mostly with me and myself, and it's happened so much in the past year, this kind of set-up, me and myself. It sounds so bad to say I'm lonely and I don't think I am. I can be alone and not be lonely. Are you ok? They say to me. Who's they? Who's they?

Sometimes I write things in here that me cringe.

Today I will sit down and think about the year I've had and write a great long entry about it. I think it was a good one. It's very beautiful outside today.

They played my song on the radio yesterday, my song, as the final song of the year and I thought: what coincidence... how appropriate... how wonderful

曾嘗遍失意時 卻找到快樂匙 那裡會知 就是自己 原來是個幸運兒
誰人亦有得意時 這刻最特殊 滿有信心 默默地說 幸運是個小諷刺
雖說幸運是個諷刺 它使我能高飛 它可帶予我一絲驚喜 可以實現我心志
夢變真 夢變真 求可以


passing passing by

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day passed just like that. I don't remember what I did. Now it's white outside, started to snow. Driving home in the afternoon of Christmas Day, it was nice to see all the shops and restaurants closed. I imagined people at home resting. How nice. The place that was opened was the video store. I rented Mona Lisa Smile. Will watch it later. The VCD sits atop my TV. Will use it on one of these holidays.


mango pudding

Dear blog, I'm back. How have you been? I feel like an empty coke bottle... bees hovering around me sticky and I feel like typing here because tonight I went shopping at Toys R Us and I bought a Ninja Turtle and just the other day I asked the kids if they could name all four of them, they couldn't, and I was surpised (maybe not) but at least disappointed, and it makes me wonder how long Toys R Us can survive when kids nowadays want XBox for Christmas more than anything and whenever I hear that a child has a TV in his room I feel so bad for the poor kid, "I can't believe your parents are doing this to you," I tell them and give them this sympathetic look and it ends up being them staring back at me thinking, "What's wrong with you, you who don't watch TV?"

The truth is I got my brother the Complete Short Stories of Saki for Christmas and I'm afraid he might not like it, afraid he might not read, so I'll accompany the book with a Ninja Turtle. How neat... For mom, I bought mom a box made in Guatamala... it's a tiny wooden box with a coat of blue paint that's got these little people stuck to its exterior sides and interior sides... a pretty exotic thingmujigy with these little people stuck to the sides inside the box like they're falling into a hole... Ahh... I'm glued to the side... I don't know if I'm falling down or just hovering in midair pondering eternity... I want some mango pudding!!!!!!! mango pudding mango pudding mango pudding!!!

Damn it!

I'm back. Dear blog, I have abandoned you. Why? I don't know. In the meantime I have written, polished, a short story. Can you believe that?

Talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk stop talking to me.... please... I need to go home..... Mango pudding makes me happy especially it comes with a sweet half-cherry on top not to mentioned condensed milk.

I feel like condensed milk.

I feel like condensed ice-cream...

I passed by McD... wanted a strawberry sundae avec peanuts but drove straight home and here I am typing in my blog.

I wonder. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. It should be so peaceful. It's raining outside. The rain melts the snow. I actually thought we'd have a white Christmas, but now it's wet and dirty and melty snow, slushy snow... But it's night now and when I look outside I don't see much, I only see my own reflection and the orange lamplights that hover in mid-air.