cheers to the good people
Cheers to the good people at Occupy Central. You are the winners. Loser is that 29, 30 year old, that guy who wears his tight buttoned shirt to Central every day, taking that same air-conditioned bus every day, sitting in that same office every day, selling the same investment products every day, the tie choking around his neck every day, passing by Occupy Central enough times that he begins to think about what they are doing, and that perhaps there can be more human-ness and freedom to his work, his life, but he's afraid to step into that alternative world, and calls himself crazy for even considering an alternative. And now, Occupy Central won't be there to remind him, and he will forget that there can be an alternative, and he follows the same pattern, wears the same belt-buckle to work every day, checks the stock market every day, calculates his money every day, then gets married, buys a flat with a clubhouse, takes trips to Saba, and with each child they have he is able to calculate exactly how much money he will need to put in to raise the youngster, and he builds a happy family like one of those you see in the HSBC ads, and the children follow the footsteps of the father who now has an office on the 33rd floor with a window facing another office building and he drives home on his BMW, very content because his kids have all entered business schools, and sometimes he reflects on life as though nothing really happened and he convinces himself that that is happiness and that is the best way to live.