if i were katherine mansfield


as for my reasons to be very happy

What does my soul look like? She asked.

Sometimes circle, sometimes square, I said and drew those shapes with my fingertip on her sleeve.

Not this shape? She asked and drew a heart.

I put my face close to hers.

And we laughed.


some kind of happiness

And what am I to do with these days as Christmas is quickly approaching?

What am I to do with this kind of happiness, the kind that makes me lie face down on my bed, forehead on the pillow with my cellphone in one hand?

What am I to do tomorrow if I can't sleep tonight?

What am I to do later if I cling too much onto this happiness now?

Don't think about later, silly.


inhale, exhale

As starters we need a cool head. Take Ryan Dempster, for example. Fine pitcher, but he just gets so jacked up before the big game that he starts walking guys early, throws too high, leaves some fastballs over the plate, and he’s done even before the third inning. I remember that happened to him just a few months ago at Wrigley.

My repertoire is simple: fastball in the high 90s with good command mixed in with a well-timed change-up. That’s all I need.

I don’t throw perfect games, but a cool head can take me real far.

intentional walk

And what am I to do with these fine days as Christmas is approaching?

I am going to hit home runs.

Club them, right out of the park.

I remember Josh Hamilton this past summer at Yankee Stadium. For me, I’ll do even better because they’re throwing fastballs, cutters, curves, and all kinds of weird stuff at me but I’m ready and I’ve got pop.

Sometimes they aim straight for my head, but I’m quick to get out of the way.

So what if they hit me. I get back up.

I don’t charge the mound.

I just say to them, “Bring it.” This is my batting stance and I’m not about to change it. I’ve got good eyes, good hands, good power…

Good heart.

And a really sweet swing.


my students told me

A soybean broke up with her boyfriend and she cried and cried and cried and then she became a beanstalk.

A green bean fell of the building and became a red bean.