if i were katherine mansfield


kelly chen revisited

Listening to Kelly Chen. She doesn't have to be super pretty to be a star. She doesn't even need to hit all her high notes. A bit of character is all it takes. It also helps if she has a few songs I can relate to.

People ask me what my stories mean. I cannot answer. And it's not that I resist the question, but really, I don't know what my stories mean, and people would question my credibility as a writer. But no, I think I'm a better writer because of it. I trust that when I write about the birdcage and the open window and the stapler sitting on the table that somehow they would come together in their own ways. The point is for me to write about them as real objects, with detail. The point is I write from the centre of my being. As long as I come from the centre, everything, everything connects. I have absolute faith in this.

Someone is winking at me. No, it's me there, winking at myself. Now, what does that mean? Would you stop that please? No, it's not funny. It's not sexy, no. Stop that. Please.

There you go AGAIN!

la... la...


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