retain kind thoughts
As we sat there watching people walk by, I thought about how pretentious many of these people were. The way they seemed to be trying really hard to uphold a certain image while they were walking. Some of them looked like they had rehearsed their walks. I asked my friend what she thought, and she reminded me of a statement I thought I had always known, an idea I thought I had been practising very well: Reserving judgment is a matter of infinite hope. I thought I was more patient and more non-judgmental than anyone I knew, until I got to know my friend. And so tonight, before I go to bed, this is what I say to myself: Retain kind thoughts of the people around you. Retain kind thoughts.
Interesting, but true. I guess we should always step back and hope that there is a seed of goodness in everyone. Good words to live by, but also hard words to practice.
Anonymous, at 4:55 PM
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