freeze frame
I’d like to show you the camera I bought today. I could take a picture of it and post it here. But to take a picture of the camera I have to put battery in it and even so I don’t know how I am to take a picture of my camera using my camera. Might hold a mirror up to it. Then it’d look like a blur, like looking at the sun. So let me just tell you, it’s a really nice camera (Sony Cybershot) for a reasonable price ($220) and I’m happy I bought it.
That’s why I was at the mall. Got there at 4 and left at 5. I’d be dizzy if I stayed there any longer. Golden light bulbs and frosty shopwindows… kids lining up to sit on Santa’s lap… and there I was coming down the escalator and I thought, I must not miss this. I must not miss this. If I don’t steer my mind into the right direction, everything around me would become meaningless.
It is said that men don’t go for attractive women because attractive women are so full of themselves and have no time for others. And for me, I have bought this camera to reclaim the little bit of life I lost in the last month. November has been a good teacher. My heart is thankful.
That’s why I was at the mall. Got there at 4 and left at 5. I’d be dizzy if I stayed there any longer. Golden light bulbs and frosty shopwindows… kids lining up to sit on Santa’s lap… and there I was coming down the escalator and I thought, I must not miss this. I must not miss this. If I don’t steer my mind into the right direction, everything around me would become meaningless.
It is said that men don’t go for attractive women because attractive women are so full of themselves and have no time for others. And for me, I have bought this camera to reclaim the little bit of life I lost in the last month. November has been a good teacher. My heart is thankful.
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Anonymous, at 1:08 PM
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