love me once again
Found myself listening to Priscilla Chan’s ’89 concert version of “Love Me Once Again”. Didn’t know how much I love this piece until I found myself putting it on repeat. The Chinese lyrics are simple, nothing too poetic, but it captures a certain sentiment, reminding me of that summer of ’96, and how I used to drift on that mountain bike around the neighbourhood aimlessly, orange sunsets and all. This morning, I pressed ‘play’ on the stereo, and it occurred to me, finally, after all this time, to check who wrote it, especially since the sound is unlike a piece produced in Hong Kong. It is written by Kosaka Akiko, and earlier, I might have seen the name on the CD jacket and confused her for Kobayashi Akiko (who wrote ‘koi ni ochite”). “Love Me Once Again” has the touch of that longing and yearning cadence that only Kosaka can produce. She also wrote ‘anata’ a piece that still makes me cry each time I hear it. Some songs of Beyond and Danny Summer also has that power.
This is what I resort to, an old song, indulging in the old tune and imageries, to get myself back in the mood for writing. Poetic sentiments simmering in this purple state. Old stories and new ones converge, confirming, once again, my theory that there is no time, that everything is happening at once.
This is what I resort to, an old song, indulging in the old tune and imageries, to get myself back in the mood for writing. Poetic sentiments simmering in this purple state. Old stories and new ones converge, confirming, once again, my theory that there is no time, that everything is happening at once.
Priscilla Chan’s is your favorite singer???
katherine, at 3:33 PM
This song touched me since many years ago. Now when I hear this song, it reminds me of the time when I was litte...waiting for love, thinking about what is love and when will it come to me...
Hey, by the way I like the version by Sandy Lam too... different lyrics..another story.
長街的一角 黃葉漸碎落
記掛著在你臂彎 曾輕輕的親我
吻臉上 淺淺的梨渦
長街的一角 瀰漫著冷漠
我不禁說 I love you
前事像泡影 沒記清 雨線飄散在長夜舞不定
自離別在那日 忘掉了歡笑 渡每天
數不清是晴或陰是霧夜 或思想的每分
Love me once again 是妄想
自離別在那日 忘掉了歡笑 默默去想
數不清是晴或陰 是霧夜
或思想的每分 仍癡癡叫喚你
Love me once again
Oy, at 12:25 PM
unit now i think you can't forgot your x'gf = p
find the new one willbe better...
katherine, at 5:14 PM
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