if i were katherine mansfield


street high car

Of the many things said to me today, I was most concerned about this.

"You have a high-pitched voice."

I think I speak with a higher pitch when I get excited about the topic of discussion. I think I also speak high when I am happy and focused. So it is a good thing. While a deeper voice is supposed to make for easier listening, I'd like to think my voice is nice to listen to.

I sound best when you sit with me in a spacious coffee shop.

Tonight, after dinner, three boys walked together for a distance of more than three subway stops. When they felt the night was too late, they took the tram back to where they started the walk. They occupied the front section of the upper deck of the tram, talking loudly and laughing, wind in their hair. The luckiest one (me) was the first to arrive home, the first to get off. As I crossed the road, passing the front of the tram, I waved to my friends upstairs and they waved back and it felt so cool and light and breezy and nostalgic and full of cheers.


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