my love my fate
Teach me to be quiet and you will have killed me completely. Do I hear myself? Do you hear me? Don't we all want to be heard? We all have something to say, to sing, yes, to sing, there is a song for each of us, a song we have chosen for ourselves and have labeled it "my song". So each time we enter the dark room we pick the song and we follow the words on the screen and try to give our best performance of the words that mean so much to us. I say we, but I may be speaking only of me. Many songs mean a lot to me and I take my singing seriously. My dream: To stand on a stage and sing a song to an audience. To be heard. My voice only. And I will sing it with every drop of heart and you may think I sing well, or you may not, and I would care lots if you think I sing not well, more so than if I were to sing well. But what really matters if all I want is to be heard? Few singers can electrify a stage. Few singers can move a crowd by just standing still and singing. Fewer people can move a crowd by standing still and reciting poetry.
Look forward to hear u sing
Oy, at 9:26 AM
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