if i were katherine mansfield


the morning and the devil

O morning. They say today makes the number 666 so it's devil's day and they'll go watch this new movie about devil and feel all Satanic... Have they not better things to do? Why are we so interested in the apocalyptic? People love 'the dark side'. It gives them an edge? The dark side is really quite boring if you ask me. I've played that game. I've seen all the gimmicks. The dark side is no longer new or edgy anymore. In this day and age, new stuff is becoming boring. Unoriginal. And so we produce a generation of robots. 'How come my kid only got an 80 in English class... blah... blah..." Robots.

O morning. They say, there are many ways to be bad and only one way to be good. Kind of like how Tolstoy said how sad families are sad in many different ways but happy families are happy for one unifying reason. That one way of being happy; that one way of being good is far more interesting, far more worthy of exploring, to me, than the many ways of deterioration. And yet people think it's so cool to be exploring 'the dark side' for its variety and excitement. People are so repressed. What can I do about this? I don't want to be like walking on the high wire and be looking down on people. All I know is that the study of heaven is far more interesting than the study of hell. If only I can show them...

O morning. I don't want to be an angry poet. That cannot be healthy. I want to live long, after all. So many things I want to say, so many ideas, images, and I say to myself, Yes, they will all be represented in my fiction in some way or another, but really, can I live long enough to record everything? No! C'est ne pas possible!

O morning. Let my heart be light today. Let me not say let me. I shall be light to day. I will.


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