if i were katherine mansfield



They say the librarians in our city are going on strike. Does this mean having our perfectly functioning facilities closed and our access to books denied? They say they'll close some programs for children. I makes me so sad when I hear about people going on strike. I don't understand. Why do they do it? Can somebody please explain?

I remember when my teachers went on strike. I went to school and I saw teachers outside with funny signs hanging on their necks walking around blocking the entrance in order not to let the students go to school. I remember that image vividly because a confused emotion swept over me. I wasn't sure if I should laugh or cry. I just thought it was absurd.

I can't shake off the image of hijacking. Yes, hijacking. A strike is like a hijacking. What's the difference? They're basically saying the same thing, "You give us what we want or they die." As a student, I didn't appreciate my teachers pointing guns to our heads. And now the librarians are at it too. I thought people of these professions would be somewhat civilized.

It just makes me really sad to hear things like this. One time I was so sincere to make a suggestion to a librarian about the computer sign-up system. The librarian replied, "That'll be too much work." This happened in a time when I wanted so badly to work in a library. They should just fire him and let me work there.

If they're not happy about their earnings, is it possible to just fire all of them and give their jobs to more dedicated people? On the one hand we have people, myself included, hustling for employment. On the other hand we have people with jobs who complain.

Unions. Economics. Tapioca.


I'm so mad today.

I think I'll go drink some tea and read some Jane Austen.


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