if i were katherine mansfield


When We Meet Again On The Gentle Slope

When we are together we ponder parting and we cry over simple matters and become confused about what we can control and what we cannot. Then things become a cluster of gray clouds. We see it as a cluster of gray clouds because we're still young, and young hearts tend to be stormy.

I fancy twenty years from now on a sunny morning I walk up a grassy hill as you walk down and we meet somewhere on the gentle slope and instantly we recognize each other though our eyes barely meet, we merely dip our heads, "good day," and smile to each other, most effortlessly, no need to trace how our faces have changed, no storm whatsoever -- for all these years we have placed each other in a place deep and bright, so that our "good day" is most natural and appropriate and is all we need for we have been for all these years meeting in this deep and bright place all along. A passer-by would not know this and would think us very old-fashioned.

We saunter on, each beaming as always in our own sphere of happiness, and reflect, for no more than a minute, the silly episode that it was, and marvel at what silliness we are capable of, and become thankful, knowing we would not have arrived in our current happiness had we not had what we had, hence our silliness only makes us more apt to love. We saunter on, and for a minute we try to find in the grass beneath our feet, traces of you and I having just walked upon the same grass, and we linger. Let's be fair. We are mortals and we were lovers. Ripples form and ripples subside. Seamlessly we return to where we come from by returning each other to the deep and bright place that had always been there, and the rest of the day will be as wonderful as it had been in the start of the day and tomorrow will be just as wonderful and we are happy for our children.

On this distant day, we will find within ourselves the same idealism and compassion that we've always had, only the cluster of gray clouds will be gone. We will have learned along the way. But for now, we live with heavier hearts because we're both still young.


***I started writing this piece on a lazy Sunday afternoon at my local cafe. I bought me an Orangina, sat down, and before I got to lean back to take in my surroundings, a tune entered my head most unexpectedly. It had no connection to any thoughts I had at that moment or the moments before it. It was something I hadn’t heard in awhile. I began scribbling from there. I arrived at some very delicate ideas and spent time polishing my words in order to capture it, but the more I cut and pasted, the more I lost its form.


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