a clean well-lighted place
Basically, this is what I said to a student: To do better in your English studies, you ought to check your approach to learning, your approach to life. You ought to find your passion, and from there you derive a sense of direction, then you open up to people a little more, and then whatever you learn will sink into your head a little more because there will have been some purpose behind your learning so that the information you absorb will fall naturally into place.

Tonight, as I was pondering what to write here, I also was thinking about what I would be doing after I finish writing here. My room is waiting for me. The light is on. It's a clean room. A clean, well-lighted place (is the best way to call it). I have my agenda opened, ready to write down my list of tasks for tomorrow and the upcoming days. I have my favourite CDs stacked on the right side of my desk. In fact, I have already pulled out the one that I think I would feel like listening to tonight.
Tonight, as I was pondering what to write here, I also was thinking about what I would be doing after I finish writing here. My room is waiting for me. The light is on. It's a clean room. A clean, well-lighted place (is the best way to call it). I have my agenda opened, ready to write down my list of tasks for tomorrow and the upcoming days. I have my favourite CDs stacked on the right side of my desk. In fact, I have already pulled out the one that I think I would feel like listening to tonight.

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