revisiting the arts centre

I revisit the Arts Centre to see Kearen Pang's 29+1. I had bought myself this ticket a month ago, and it was a month ago, Easter weekend, that I was last at the Arts Centre to see Communicating Doors...
Again, I feel as though I have never left HK. The plays many references to 80s pop culture I can totally relate to. There were some ha-ha funny moments, but the moments that stay with me most are those that came subtly, enough to make me smile from within and reflect, especially when she asked, "Is our concept of love at age 16 different from that at age 30?"
Little by little I'm easing myself back into the "artist's state". Such is a somewhat lame and heavy-handed term, but it's like dipping my feet into the waters again... or more like balancing on the high wire... The state of not knowing or not wanting to know so much or knowing that I don't need to know exactly where I stand in order to do what I want to do.
Earlier today, I shared some poems with my writing group.
As well, I bought the Collected Stories of Virginia Woolf. It's my first time buying an English book since arriving in HK.
May Day, May Day.
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