rain day song
Driving in a car on a rainy day the sky is blue blue blue like waterpaint and now the blue is spreading all over my shirt. But the car keeps driving and the water splashes and skids and up and all over like a sort of tears. Just when I felt everything had faded a little bit. And here I am pretending to be in this sort of journey, only to find myself running into a gray wall that isn't a wall at all, but a cloud of grayness, and I think I can go through it but I trip like an electric guitar suddenly unplugged. Then I'm in my car again. Ok. Focus this picture. See how the wheels are just a little off the ground? I made it that way. Nice. Don't you think? But here I am or this person whom I think is me crying! And away he drives as the windshield wipers go left and right and left and in the rear view mirror the rain drips down the glass like tears tears tears... And you are a stranger to all of this and you wonder when exactly you can go home. In the deep deep rain. The lonely heart hosts a party. The wind sends home this stranger. Sad rain surrounds a drifty heart. The same story occurs again and again and we never tire.
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