if i were katherine mansfield



Let me consider your worries. Let me try. Does reading this blog make you lighter? I hope it does. Let me try to think about you. What are you doing here so late at night? Aren't you tired from staring at that monitor for so long? I thank you for dropping by. Though you do look a bit tired and it may be good for you to get some sleep. Is it the afternoon where you are now? Well, get some sleep anyways. It's more fun to sleep in the afternoon. You get more out of sleeping in the day than you do sleeping at night. But that's just me. Oh. I'm sorry. It's not about me.

It's about you. Now, let's find a comfortable place to sit. How about there? There you are.


Actually, it's probably better you sleep and we don't talk. Yes, it's better this way. I find that these words are really getting in the way. So don't mind them, my words, I mean, don't mind them. Just rest and rest and deal with the things after you wake. Things may get better after you wake, but in any case, at least you can rest.


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